Together for Climate Protection

European CO2 Certificates for Offsetting Greenhouse Gas Emissions

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Our benefits:

Ex-Post Certificates

Confidence through verified CO2 reductions already achieved, not merely future commitments

DIN ISO 14064-2

European quality standard for climate protection projects, recommended by the German Federal Environment Agency

CO2 Transparency Register

Ensures uniqueness and prevents double counting of certificates

Recent challenges with CO2 Certificates

Three major issues have emerged in the past:

  • Deforestation of Certified Forest Areas: Despite contractual agreements to prevent deforestation, forests within project areas, especially in the Amazon region, have been cut down.
  • Ex-Ante Certificate Issues: These certificates are predicated on anticipated CO2 savings that have not yet materialized. This approach poses a risk of not meeting the promised savings due to unforeseen events like natural disasters, deforestation, or early project termination.
  • Unauthorized multiple sales of CO2 Certificates: The market has witnessed numerous instances of unauthorized multiple sales of CO2 certificates, which erodes trust in the certificate trading system.

New Alpha: Your Reliable Partner in CO2 Management

New Alpha guides you through the CO2 certificate jungle with solutions that restore transparency and trust in CO2 trading.

  • Quality-assured European Projects: We offer CO2 certificates derived exclusively from European forest projects. Each project undergoes on-site checks and certifications to ensure compliance with legal standards and assure project quality.
  • Trust via Ex-Post Certificates: New Alpha offers Ex-Post Certificates to strengthen the integrity and credibility of your CO2 compensation efforts further. These certificates are issued after the actual implementation and verification of CO2 reduction measures, providing an additional layer of security and trust by guaranteeing that the CO2 savings have been achieved.
  • CO2 Transparency Register by the Institute for Climate Protection Projects (IfK):

New Alpha CO2 Certificates

New Alpha CO2 certificates originate from conserved European forests. These certificates, available for companies aiming to offset their CO2 emissions, aid in the implementation of their Net Zero Strategies.

The prevention of deforestation in these areas not only enhances CO2 storage but also aligns with the United Nations' Net Zero Strategy. With a protection period ranging from 25 to 75 years, these sink areas are assuredly free from industrial use.

Making Your Certificate Selection Easy

Start your sustainable journey with a simple first step: Reach out to us. Our dedicated team is ready to guide you on your path to CO2 neutrality.

Next, we delve deeper to understand your specific needs. Through a deep dive of your current CO2 footprint, we identify the best strategies and solutions tailored to your company's requirements.

We find the right certificates for you: In the final step, we do the heavy lifting. Based on the previous analysis, we select the appropriate CO2 certificates that meet your compensation requirements. With New Alpha, you can be confident that you are investing in quality-assured projects that make a genuine contribution to climate protection.

Industry Solutions


Offset Your Flight

Every ton of kerosene emits 3.16 tons of CO2. Using the New Alpha CO2 Calculator, we compute the CO2 emissions specific to your flight and offset them entirely, compensating for 100% of the emissions generated.


CO2 Neutral Hotel Operation

Hotel operations can lower their carbon footprint by reducing CO2 emissions through the use of eco-electricity, insulation, and effective consumption management. For emissions that are unavoidable, CO2 certificates are used to provide compensation.

Your Industry

CO2 Compensation for Everyone

CO2 emission compensation is versatile and applicable to all industries, making it suitable for every company. Engage with us to embark on a journey towards a climate-friendly future, fostering sustainability within your specific industry as well.

We Are New Alpha

New Alpha is your ally in forging a more sustainable future. Drawing inspiration from Generation Alpha, individuals born between 2010 and 2025, we are dedicated to crafting a climate-neutral and resource-responsible world.

Guided by the wisdom of the Dalai Lama, we embrace the conviction that Earth is our shared heritage and the wellspring of life. This understanding fuels our fervent commitment to climate protection. We assist businesses in devising sustainable strategies, offering premium EU CO2 certificates.

In collaboration with our clients, we delve into innovative solutions and explore investment prospects in climate protection initiatives, aiming to create meaningful change. Stand with us in building a vibrant and sustainable future for Generation Alpha.

Sustainable and High-Return Climate Protection Projects

ESG compliant investment projects

Monetization of your forest areas

Combining ecological and economic goals

While contributing to climate protection

Together with the Institute for Climate Protection Projects, New Alpha purchases European forests for conservation purposes and the generation of CO2 certificates.

These certificates, derived from conserved forests, are available for companies seeking to offset their CO2 emissions, thereby enhancing their sustainability initiatives.

Investing in these forests not only provides you with sustainable returns but also facilitates a long-term, positive impact that extends across generations. You will obtain ownership of tangible forest tracts, which will be incorporated into your equity. This allows you to benefit from the increase in the value of the land and the annual income from the sale of the generated CO2 certificates.

By avoiding deforestation of your forest areas, more CO2 is stored, contributing to the United Nations' Net Zero Strategy. This new market mechanism introduces an alternative income stream for you, all while advancing climate objectives.

The CO2 certificates generated from the conserved forests are available for companies seeking to offset their emissions, thereby supporting their sustainability goals.

By dedicating your forest areas to climate protection efforts, you play an active role in mitigating climate change impacts and fostering a sustainable future for the generations to come.

ESG compliant investment projects

Combining ecological and economic goals

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Together with the Institute for Climate Protection Projects, New Alpha purchases European forests for conservation purposes and the generation of CO2 certificates.

These certificates, derived from conserved forests, are available for companies seeking to offset their CO2 emissions, thereby enhancing their sustainability initiatives.

Investing in these forests not only provides you with sustainable returns but also facilitates a long-term, positive impact that extends across generations. You will obtain ownership of tangible forest tracts, which will be incorporated into your equity. This allows you to benefit from the increase in the value of the land and the annual income from the sale of the generated CO2 certificates.

Invest now for a climate-neutral future!

Monetization of your forest areas

While contributing to climate protection

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By avoiding deforestation of your forest areas, more CO2 is stored, contributing to the United Nations' Net Zero Strategy. This new market mechanism introduces an alternative income stream for you, all while advancing climate objectives.

The CO2 certificates generated from the conserved forests are available for companies seeking to offset their emissions, thereby supporting their sustainability goals.

By dedicating your forest areas to climate protection efforts, you play an active role in mitigating climate change impacts and fostering a sustainable future for the generations to come.

Provide Forest Now

United Nations Net Zero Strategy

Climate change is a collective challenge that necessitates united efforts to overcome. The United Nations introduced the Net Zero Strategy with the objective of minimizing greenhouse gas emissions by 2050, aiming for a net CO2 output of zero. This strategy involves reducing unnecessary emissions and offsetting the remaining ones through CO2 sink projects.

Our Cooperation Partners:

The Institute for Climate Protection Projects specializes in the development, verification, and certification of European climate protection projects.

IfK certificates are certified according to the international standard DIN EN ISO 14064-2 to ensure that they meet the highest requirements for climate protection projects.

ISO, the International Organization for Standardization headquartered in Geneva, endorses our projects and CO2 certificates, which strictly follow the DIN-ISO Standard 14064-2, a recommendation by the Federal Environment Agency among others.

TÜV Rheinland's team of highly skilled experts globally assess technical systems and products, supporting innovations in both technology and business sectors. As an impartial entity, TÜV Rheinland AG audits forest projects executed in line with the ISO Standard 14064-2.

Take the first step towards a climate-friendly future today!